Forums - MVC2: Storm Thread Continued. For all you Storm users out there Show all 172 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: Storm Thread Continued. For all you Storm users out there ( Posted by Silent Storm on 01:30:2002 06:16 PM: MVC2: The Magneto and Storm Thread There other thread was closed, i guess because i didn't put what game it was for, because we were discussing Strats and Tact., but anyway please feel free to continue discussing things about Storm here thanks. Posted by MadHatter on 01:30:2002 11:37 PM: storm sucks, the only characters that CAN'T beat her are strider and dhalsim...and god knows why anyone would use strider...the only character that he can beat is felicia. why would you use lowertier characters like strom when there are characters like hayato and ryu out there!? word of advice gentlemen, stick to top tier and you are sure to win ALOT more. Posted by Kid Wonder on 01:31:2002 12:33 AM: "storm sucks, the only characters that CAN'T beat her are strider and dhalsim...and god knows why anyone would use strider...the only character that he can beat is felicia. why would you use lowertier characters like strom when there are characters like hayato and ryu out there!? word of advice gentlemen, stick to top tier and you are sure to win ALOT more." First off stupid, Storm is the best in the game. IF not, tied with Sentinel. But I'm not going to get into that. Strider has one of the best traps in the game with Doom plus I think he's 2nd tier. Hayato just plain sucks balls. Ryu aint no sunshine either! Another thing....Felicia is the only assist character that can STOP the infamous Stri-Doom trap. Posted by MadHatter on 01:31:2002 01:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kid Wonder First off stupid, Storm is the best in the game. IF not, tied with Sentinel. But I'm not going to get into that. Strider has one of the best traps in the game with Doom plus I think he's 2nd tier. Hayato just plain sucks balls. Ryu aint no sunshine either! Another thing....Felicia is the only assist character that can STOP the infamous Stri-Doom trap. hahahahahahahaha, felicia ASSIST huh? sounds like you know what your talking about. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 01:31:2002 02:45 AM: My sarcasm-sense is tingling!!! Posted by PsionicTempest on 01:31:2002 04:25 AM: even though it seems rather apparent that madhatter is as serious a heart attack, i will assume that he is being sarcastic just for the sake of my own sanity. anyway back to storm... is it best to tri-jump w/ her jabs? Also mags has his > > assist, what should i use for storm? I was thinking something along the lines of > > assist? Posted by erco on 01:31:2002 05:38 AM: ok, MadHatter = sarcastic. if you couldn't figure that out, well, I guess that's why Strategy and Tactics is here. Felicia assist doesn't beat strider doom, it's her goddamn sandkick super that hits both side of her at the same time. If you've got a good felicia and aren't afraid to use her, well, she's supposed to beat strider/doom. I'm not convinced, I'll stick with Ken AAA. Storm does not need to use an assist to juggle, like Mags. Mags only uses, assist, to setup an Air combo since his launcher sucks. Using psy/cyke aaa or sent proj to setup a combo allows mags to avoid using his launcher. BTW, his launcher sucks since it can be easily punished if it's blocked and has no range (so it's prone to whiffing if you didn't input a dash after a sj.rh or something). Instead, Storm's s.rh launcher has a HUGE hitbox, retracts quickly, and is relatively safe to use. That's why Storm isn't dependent on Psy/Cyke like mags frequently is. She can throw out the launcher without fear or reprisal. lastly, triangle jump with from a distance, sj.lp in close, and sj.fierce if you want to have coverage. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 01:31:2002 06:13 AM: hahaha new storm 2 cents... storm works best w/ doom and sent... Posted by Silent Storm on 01:31:2002 06:28 AM: I like using Storm with Cable and Cammy most of the time. Every now and then Mag or Psylocke, and IM Posted by Sentinels Force on 01:31:2002 05:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by MadHatter storm sucks, the only characters that CAN'T beat her are strider and dhalsim...and god knows why anyone would use strider...the only character that he can beat is felicia. why would you use lowertier characters like strom when there are characters like hayato and ryu out there!? word of advice gentlemen, stick to top tier and you are sure to win ALOT more. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha are u serious is this guy serious it sounds like he is hahahahahahahaha.It looks like he has the tiers stuck in his head backwards hahahahahaha.Anyways anyone here have any strats for playing storm against sentinel laterz. Posted by MadDogMiXon on 01:31:2002 05:14 PM: stay above sentinel and hit him with fierces, play it safe, and DONT BE UP AGAINST LITTLE MIKEYS SENTINEL!!!! U WILL DIE!!!!!! Whats up OZZIE!!?? j/k what did i do to fight you? play it safe, if somone is in fly mode, you want to hail, he knows you do, call your aaa when he tries to rocket punch you out of start-up, mash like hell. Is it a safe strategy? hell no, but it works. Posted by Silent Storm on 01:31:2002 06:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by MadDogMiXon stay above sentinel and hit him with fierces, play it safe, and DONT BE UP AGAINST LITTLE MIKEYS SENTINEL!!!! U WILL DIE!!!!!! Whats up OZZIE!!?? j/k what did i do to fight you? play it safe, if somone is in fly mode, you want to hail, he knows you do, call your aaa when he tries to rocket punch you out of start-up, mash like hell. Is it a safe strategy? hell no, but it works. yeah always stay above Sent, while unleashing double typhoons and calling out your aaa, use alot of LA's ,try to hit and run if possible. if you can try using another character against him like doom, cable,cyclops if possible, but if you can't this tactic should work for the most part. Just be patient Posted by lylelljr on 01:31:2002 07:12 PM: Storm is the last character I learned to use and I have found her to be the best character in the game. She matches up well against almost anybody and always has the threat of a Hailstorm on an assist. My usual team is Storm/Doom/Sentinel, and with Doom AAA and Typhoons everywhere you can seriously control the tempo. Sentinel is there for punishment. And as for the idiot (SCRUB) that said Ryu and Hayato are top-tier, go back to your SFII on your SNES. Bring your hadoken retard: rocketpunch XX Sentinel Force X 5. Hahahhaahahahahahahahaha. Storms huge launcher area and priority make her a dangerous threat at several characters distance. And a Doom air combo into a photon array XX Hailstorm always equals over 50% damage(probably 75% + on high damage machines. Scrubs will think she sucks, just cuz they can't hang with her skillz. Posted by erco on 01:31:2002 07:42 PM: omg, are all of you fucking retards? he's being sarcastic you stupid shits. Here, let me explain: people who beat storm: Strider and Sim (on paper) people he listed storm beats: Strider and Sim Bottom tier (or close to): Hayato, Ryu people he listed as top tier: hayato, ryu Things that beat Strider Doom: Felicia sand kick super Things he listed that beats Strider: Felicia Do any of you see the fucking coincidence here or are you all so dim witted that this isn't blatantly apparent? Posted by djhuka on 01:31:2002 10:36 PM: jesus christ, thank you erco! enough with the insults on madhatter, it makes you sound stupider than you think he sounds.......... anyways, storm is my favorite character in the game for her all around versatiliy, ie runaway and chip, or rushing (that shit down). i picked her up mainly as an anti cable cause i got tired of all the cable whores around and she does very well against him. when paired with doom, you can c. lk, call doom, c. lk xx hailstorm. Its a very quick roll after the second c. lk, so most people dont react quick enough. however, its not advisable to use more than once in a match. even if its blocked, you still get mad chip. doom on point with storm projectile is good for controlling space........lets see what else.... when playing a magneto, nothing is funner than watching a scrub, tri-jumping magneto eating standing roundhouses as you take two steps back....against cable wait for his AAA, and then proceed to give him the beating he deserves for being a homo.....try her crossups similar to magneto; launch, sj FP, AD down forward, lk, lk then either 1. LA, LA xx LS or 2. hold down and fall to the other side and lauch again. not as effective as magnetos, but still usefull. her FP grab has mad ass throw range and mash that shit for hella meter. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 01:31:2002 10:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by erco omg, are all of you fucking retards? he's being sarcastic you stupid shits. Here, let me explain: people who beat storm: Strider and Sim (on paper) people he listed storm beats: Strider and Sim Bottom tier (or close to): Hayato, Ryu people he listed as top tier: hayato, ryu Things that beat Strider Doom: Felicia sand kick super Things he listed that beats Strider: Felicia Do any of you see the fucking coincidence here or are you all so dim witted that this isn't blatantly apparent? exactly it goes without saying that atleast 90% of the srk posters are big ass scrubs. i wasnt expecting anyone to be stupid enough to believe me. Posted by MadHatter on 01:31:2002 11:15 PM: my 2 cents: she's the best character in the game. best team if you want to use lower tier characters, ???/storm/doom. where as ??? is the low tier character of your choice (duh). storm is great with striderdoom cus her assist plus birds means they cant dash in or jump. oros dhc'd into hailstorm = sneaky. another thing, just because justin wong wins with cammy doesnt mean you guys ever will. if you use storm you are so much better off using cyclops. if you think you will win more with cammy then you would with someone like doom, cyclops or commando you are wrong. cammy sucks on point and her assist is worse than the 3 i mentioned above. btw, my other handle is Nicholas D Wolfwood... Posted by Silent Storm on 02:01:2002 08:24 AM: Storm can beat anybody on the game if she is played right. She even more dangerous when she has a good aaa behind like cammy, capcom, p-locke, or cyclops. She can be downright irritating then. Posted by erco on 02:01:2002 08:48 AM: so, um, like Cable/Storm/Cammy is just about the worst team you can have for Storm. Basically, her only job here is to runaway for 124124908 seconds and wait for time to run out, and each one of the assists she's paired with here don't allow her to rush in and deal damage. Instead, they're protective/deterrant assists (sent don't fly, Mags don't rush in, and pretty much everyone else: don't let me CAHVB). Instead, Doom/Sent are probably the most storm happy assists. Doom gives her the ability to do damage without really getting in there and getting her hands dirty (aka, runaway, build a meter, drop doom, typhoon xx hailstorm, rinse/wash/repeat). Sent allows her to rush in with a lot of cover, and mean crossup options (call sent, sj, airdash across, and crossup with drones hitting them in the back of the head). I'm thinking about adding Cyke, but I'm not sure whether he amplifies a part of her existing game, or covers a flaw of hers. She doesn't really have problems with rushing down, and a lot of other assists help her combo, so I'm not wholly sure he's as useful as Doom/Sent. Posted by ShinAkuma31 on 02:01:2002 11:05 AM: Yeap, the effective counter to Strider/Doom would be the use of felicia, once you see doom come in, sandkick super and thats dooms ass, 1/2 life on him and strider if he teleported. also if you dont have meter, use ken AAA assist as your AAA. that should defeat strider/doom easily and effectively. as for storm, her air stright typhoon (up to down) is useless because all they have to do is jump up/forward, no matter who you are. so i suggest that you do it when they dont have Blackheart/AAA or when youre closer to the ground. Posted by MadHatter on 02:01:2002 12:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShinAkuma31 Yeap, the effective counter to Strider/Doom would be the use of felicia, once you see doom come in, sandkick super and thats dooms ass, 1/2 life on him and strider if he teleported. also if you dont have meter, use ken AAA assist as your AAA. that should defeat strider/doom easily and effectively. well it really isnt THAT easy...if someone has storm, sent or pretty much any other first/second tier character, they could always start with them to kill felicia pretty easily. if the felicia is smart he would dhc into whatever character is second, which should either be storm or sent. as clockw0rk once said "for example, if i were to play viscant and he was using felicia/storm/cyke, i would probly lose" Posted by MadHatter on 02:01:2002 12:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by erco Instead, Doom/Sent are probably the most storm happy assists. Doom gives her the ability to do damage without really getting in there and getting her hands dirty (aka, runaway, build a meter, drop doom, typhoon xx hailstorm, rinse/wash/repeat). Sent allows her to rush in with a lot of cover, and mean crossup options (call sent, sj, airdash across, and crossup with drones hitting them in the back of the head). I'm thinking about adding Cyke, but I'm not sure whether he amplifies a part of her existing game, or covers a flaw of hers. She doesn't really have problems with rushing down, and a lot of other assists help her combo, so I'm not wholly sure he's as useful as Doom/Sent. yea, doom/sent are probly the best. i like cyke because it sets up the combo better than most other assists...i know there is psylock but cykes assist has better recovery/range/invincibility AND he is alot better on point. so if you are looking for better rush cyke is the way to go. there are many oppinions on what assist is best for storm, i just think you should go with what you like. alot of the assists back her up pretty well because of the variety of different ways she can be played. Posted by color_wolf on 02:01:2002 01:18 PM: How do you get the storm infinite to connect on Sent during an actual game ??? I can do the infinite fine on training mode. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:01:2002 01:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by erco so, um, like Cable/Storm/Cammy is just about the worst team you can have for Storm. Basically, her only job here is to runaway for 124124908 seconds and wait for time to run out, and each one of the assists she's paired with here don't allow her to rush in and deal damage. Instead, they're protective/deterrant assists (sent don't fly, Mags don't rush in, and pretty much everyone else: don't let me CAHVB). Instead, Doom/Sent are probably the most storm happy assists. Doom gives her the ability to do damage without really getting in there and getting her hands dirty (aka, runaway, build a meter, drop doom, typhoon xx hailstorm, rinse/wash/repeat). Sent allows her to rush in with a lot of cover, and mean crossup options (call sent, sj, airdash across, and crossup with drones hitting them in the back of the head). I'm thinking about adding Cyke, but I'm not sure whether he amplifies a part of her existing game, or covers a flaw of hers. She doesn't really have problems with rushing down, and a lot of other assists help her combo, so I'm not wholly sure he's as useful as Doom/Sent. How is Storm/Cable/Cammy on of the wrost team for her? It is no worst than having Mag/Cable/Cammy. And yes you can rush in and do damage with this team, I do it all the time. Doesn't actually depend on what assist type you have with her, it all depends on how good the player is using her. And anyway, alot of people don't do anything but run anyway. Thats why I chose this team, so I can rushdown when I want, and run when I want. This is a two-fold team that many things can be done with. And then when you use doom, you're still chipping them to death, what is that besides getting your hands dirty huh? Posted by GeekBoy on 02:01:2002 01:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by color_wolf How do you get the storm infinite to connect on Sent during an actual game ??? I can do the infinite fine on training mode. Actaully it is doable during an actual match. If you can SJ before Sentinel's HSF, just go towards him and do sj.FP, sj.RH as a jump-in, land, and start the infinite, just remember not to float up. Posted by erco on 02:01:2002 07:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm How is Storm/Cable/Cammy on of the wrost team for her? It is no worst than having Mag/Cable/Cammy. And yes you can rush in and do damage with this team, I do it all the time. Doesn't actually depend on what assist type you have with her, it all depends on how good the player is using her. And anyway, alot of people don't do anything but run anyway. Thats why I chose this team, so I can rushdown when I want, and run when I want. This is a two-fold team that many things can be done with. And then when you use doom, you're still chipping them to death, what is that besides getting your hands dirty huh? I'm saying, the team dynamic here is: cable build 2/3 levels of meter, hit an AHVB DHC Hailstorm to kill 1 character, and then use storm to runaway for the entire match. Her purpose here isn't to deal damage (in so much as Hailstorm DHC isn't really storm dealing the damage as cable since cable gets the initial hit), but rather to waste time. Cammy assist isn't a very offensive assist. Sure, it goes great in some combos, but really, in the end, you're gonna use it to get someone off your back instead of getting them to block the wrong way. Also, I'm not saying that you can't rush in with Storm. That'd be friggin' retarded if I said that. I'm just saying, that storm's role here isn't to rush in, but to runaway. Having Sent Drones to back her up makes storm rush down like 50% better/more efficient, but assists like Cammy/Cable don't help in her that department. The way the team works, she really isn't supposed to rush down since her doing damage isn't a focus, but a bonus. Face it, in the end, this is a cable team. Either you start cable, or you use cable second, either way, Cable does the bulk of the damage here. You start him, you end up doing the above. You put him second, you use storm to build meter then end up letting cable burn it all. Both scenarios, cable is the focus, not storm, she's a good DHC/Battery/Assist and if need be, a good point. BTW, getting your hands dirty = rushing in close and trying to land a c.short while avoiding AAA's. using doom to chip without fear of retribution = not getting your hands dirty by rushing in. I'm pretty sure this idea was implied in what I said, but you managed to mistake it for meaning something else. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:01:2002 07:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by erco I'm saying, the team dynamic here is: cable build 2/3 levels of meter, hit an AHVB DHC Hailstorm to kill 1 character, and then use storm to runaway for the entire match. Her purpose here isn't to deal damage (in so much as Hailstorm DHC isn't really storm dealing the damage as cable since cable gets the initial hit), but rather to waste time. Cammy assist isn't a very offensive assist. Sure, it goes great in some combos, but really, in the end, you're gonna use it to get someone off your back instead of getting them to block the wrong way. Also, I'm not saying that you can't rush in with Storm. That'd be friggin' retarded if I said that. I'm just saying, that storm's role here isn't to rush in, but to runaway. Having Sent Drones to back her up makes storm rush down like 50% better/more efficient, but assists like Cammy/Cable don't help in her that department. The way the team works, she really isn't supposed to rush down since her doing damage isn't a focus, but a bonus. Face it, in the end, this is a cable team. Either you start cable, or you use cable second, either way, Cable does the bulk of the damage here. You start him, you end up doing the above. You put him second, you use storm to build meter then end up letting cable burn it all. Both scenarios, cable is the focus, not storm, she's a good DHC/Battery/Assist and if need be, a good point. BTW, getting your hands dirty = rushing in close and trying to land a c.short while avoiding AAA's. using doom to chip without fear of retribution = not getting your hands dirty by rushing in. I'm pretty sure this idea was implied in what I said, but you managed to mistake it for meaning something else. So do you think that my strategy works? lol Its totally safe, nothin to really worry about either. Storm can destroy a team if the players plays dumb. thats why i like this team. But I don't run all the time though, i was a fighter before i was a runner. Posted by *NEDO* on 02:01:2002 11:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by color_wolf How do you get the storm infinite to connect on Sent during an actual game ??? I can do the infinite fine on training mode. OOOOOOOh training mode!!!!!!! Im jk man.....thans the first step in learning. I have gotten Storms inf. off a few times in a match on Sent....seems like SEntinel leave himself open alot with low hits...usually if your rushing a Sentinel player down he'll ust jump back with a lazy fierce buton and call out an assist. Too bad he's sooo slow! Usually if your Mag or Storm Super Jump and fall down towards him while blocking ....then use your dash and go straight up.Usually either they'll use an a assist while jumping back which gives you a free lightning attack XXsuper if your good enough, or a Tempest into HailStorm if your fast enough. Notice the words "IF" in these phrases. Well, I HATE Sentinel players cause usually a good Sent with a whore AA assist is a perfect counter for my main team. Oh well......If you think your good with Sentinel, your lucky I havent played you yet!! I love shit talk. Posted by calishaolin on 02:02:2002 02:36 AM: YO any of u guys know here infinit (NOT SENT ONLY) and what size charecters does it work on Posted by Silent Storm on 02:03:2002 01:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin YO any of u guys know here infinit (NOT SENT ONLY) and what size charecters does it work on yeah its Sj cancel lk, lp, lk, repeat, must do this super fast i only got it off once and another one is SJ +lk cancel AD lk. lp repeat. This one also has to be done super fast Posted by calishaolin on 02:03:2002 02:58 AM: aight thanx silent storm by the by know any good set ups? Posted by Silent Storm on 02:03:2002 03:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by calishaolin aight thanx silent storm by the by know any good set ups? i don't really know any good setups, i seen a video, and i just did what the vid did, and that was with a tri-jump. Hope this helps some Posted by State of Nature on 02:03:2002 03:16 AM: I'm bored, so I thought I'd post a cute little storm trick. After you kill a character, rather than guardbreak the one coming in, call a fast assist that will whiff, and then immediately do a lightning attack that will take you behind the incoming opponent without hitting them. Then cancel into a lightning storm. The way this works, is the incoming character expects a guard break, or expects an attack (your assist or the lightning attack), but your LA takes you behind them while they're blocking nothing. When you cross them up and cancel into lightning storm, they are blocking the wrong way, and since they aren't in block stun cause they aren't blocking anything, they will get hit. You can DHC for more damage. This is mostly a surprise tactic, and credit is due to Justin Wong, cause I first saw him do this. Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:03:2002 05:58 AM: i was wonder... how do u do the storm cross-up combo? Posted by GeekBoy on 02:03:2002 06:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by lilsdsk8er i was wonder... how do u do the storm cross-up combo? Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, dash DF, Lightning Attack UB XX Lightning Storm Posted by mixup on 02:03:2002 09:22 AM: Storm/Cable/Cammy is an ok team, nothing too good. IT is because the way the team is set-up, it all relies on cable, against a good player, cable will NOT cut it. Unless your storm just attacks like a mad fiend with assists that are not good for her. Use what you like, storm/cable/cyclops is better imo and even that team Posted by kingofkod on 02:03:2002 10:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup Storm/Cable/Cammy is an ok team, nothing too good. IT is because the way the team is set-up, it all relies on cable, against a good player, cable will NOT cut it. Unless your storm just attacks like a mad fiend with assists that are not good for her. Use what you like, storm/cable/cyclops is better imo and even that team Eh...Cable won't cut it against a good player? Most vids I see online Cable is the one getting the job done. I guess maybe over there people have gotten a whole lot better fighting against him. I will say that Cable without an anti-air assist is nothing to fear really but I definately haven't seen any proof that Cable plus an anti-air isn't a strong combination. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:04:2002 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup Storm/Cable/Cammy is an ok team, nothing too good. IT is because the way the team is set-up, it all relies on cable, against a good player, cable will NOT cut it. Unless your storm just attacks like a mad fiend with assists that are not good for her. Use what you like, storm/cable/cyclops is better imo and even that team ay, you can say what you want but if a person with this team i have knows have to use them right, this team can be pure hell to compete against. The reason why is becuz the way i play them i mix things up, attack sometimes, run somtimes. With this team theres no chance of knowing what they are going to do. And the reason i don't have Cyke is becuz im not too good with him, i can use cammy better than him. I tried Cyke, just didn't work out. And Mag would have trouble rushing against Storm/Cammy. I would be a fool to put Cable on point against a good ass mag player, that would be suicide. The things that you said i hope i gave explanations for them. And Storm doesn't need an assist to attack anyone, you forget she is as good as Mag with rushdown!! and the way i play my team, its based more around Storm than anyone!! Posted by MadDogMiXon on 02:04:2002 08:47 AM: While i agree that storm only need herself to rush down, the team has been around for a long time and the main problem with cable based teams is that people have to fuck up in order for you to do any real damage{with cable}. team is pretty good overall. Posted by kingofkod on 02:04:2002 09:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by MadDogMiXon While i agree that storm only need herself to rush down, the team has been around for a long time and the main problem with cable based teams is that people have to fuck up in order for you to do any real damage{with cable}. team is pretty good overall. Hey i understand what you're saying. But when it all comes down to it the entire match is based on your opponent fucking up first accept for in cases where you're playing as a traping team. I do understand that it is much more important when playing Cable though. Not like it's that hard though. Plus when he has more than 1 bar it makes calling your assist risky which usually changes your entire game plan. Posted by SakuraForever on 02:04:2002 03:15 PM: Around here, you see Cable as much as you'll see Sentinel. A lot of things about this game can change, but nothing will ever make Cable forgotten. Who can overlook the value of crouching short = death? Cable gets owned by a lot of characters, and he's still on a lot of teams, and is still a really powerful person. He's like the center formation of a LOT of teams. Nothing's changed insofar as Cable's still the cheesiest bastard this side of the Pecos, the only thing that's changed is the way we deal with his cheesiness. Don't underestimate a good Cable...just don't fear him as much as you used to. All it takes is a single clean hit, or a fucked up assist-call, and the entire game can go from winning to losing in the space of four or five hypers. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:04:2002 07:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by SakuraForever Around here, you see Cable as much as you'll see Sentinel. A lot of things about this game can change, but nothing will ever make Cable forgotten. Who can overlook the value of crouching short = death? Cable gets owned by a lot of characters, and he's still on a lot of teams, and is still a really powerful person. He's like the center formation of a LOT of teams. Nothing's changed insofar as Cable's still the cheesiest bastard this side of the Pecos, the only thing that's changed is the way we deal with his cheesiness. Don't underestimate a good Cable...just don't fear him as much as you used to. All it takes is a single clean hit, or a fucked up assist-call, and the entire game can go from winning to losing in the space of four or five hypers. Sentinel is just as bad as Cable. He can do 5 supers in a row and kill an assist partner faster than Cable can. Then Sentinel has super armor making it even harder to launch him. Sentinel only bad matches are storm, cable, and cyclops. Posted by kingofkod on 02:04:2002 08:23 PM: Not to get back ON the subject but we're supposed to be talking about Storm not Cable. Could someone try doing a crouching roundhouse into a snapback and see if it works? I think I saw someone do it on a tournament vid but i'm not 100% sure. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:04:2002 08:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Not to get back ON the subject but we're supposed to be talking about Storm not Cable. Could someone try doing a crouching roundhouse into a snapback and see if it works? I think I saw someone do it on a tournament vid but i'm not 100% sure. i don't think that would work because it is a launcher. Knocks the opponenet too high and too fast. Well this is what i think, i could be wrong Posted by ej_333 on 02:04:2002 10:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Not to get back ON the subject but we're supposed to be talking about Storm not Cable. Could someone try doing a crouching roundhouse into a snapback and see if it works? I think I saw someone do it on a tournament vid but i'm not 100% sure. i'm pretty sure what you saw was dn lk, dn mk, OTG snapback, not sure which vid you're talking about, though. Posted by kingofkod on 02:05:2002 03:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by ej_333 i'm pretty sure what you saw was dn lk, dn mk, OTG snapback, not sure which vid you're talking about, though. Yeah you're right i went back and looked at it and that's what it was. It was on one of the 3X vids on Anyone know any other easy wasy to combo into it that have good range? Posted by mixup on 02:05:2002 08:30 AM: I primarily play Magneto/Storm combinations, i mean to say that Cable/Cyclops or cammy is weak against them, excuse my inability to communicate Posted by Silent Storm on 02:05:2002 01:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup I primarily play Magneto/Storm combinations, i mean to say that Cable/Cyclops or cammy is weak against them, excuse my inability to communicate i have to make an exception on what you say man. Even though I love Storm and Mag was my boy, But Cable/Cyclops or Cammy isn't weak like talking about, Especially Cable/Cammy. I have to admit that Cyclops has some problems stopping rushdown at times, but Cammy can stop it almost all the time. You just have to know when to call her out. Son-Son's aaa isanother great rushdown stopper. To me Cammy and Son-Son are the 2 best aaa against rushdown that I have seen. Posted by kingofkod on 02:05:2002 06:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup I primarily play Magneto/Storm combinations, i mean to say that Cable/Cyclops or cammy is weak against them, excuse my inability to communicate Cable/Cyclops can't handle Magneto very well but they can handle Storm. my Cable/Cyclops can eventualy get to Silent STorm's Storm. it's just that it takes FOREVER. I have to be patient times 10 to beat his storm and he has a pretty good one. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:05:2002 11:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Cable/Cyclops can't handle Magneto very well but they can handle Storm. my Cable/Cyclops can eventualy get to Silent STorm's Storm. it's just that it takes FOREVER. I have to be patient times 10 to beat his storm and he has a pretty good one. Irvin, I'm still trying to figure out how does your Cable/Cyclops slow down my Storm so much and everyone else can't do anything about her. Don't tell anyone else your secrets on getting to my Storm lol. And Mixup are you coming to the big tourney in New Orleans on the 23rd of this month? A few people that i know would like to know. And i wouldn't mind seeing your Mag in action, because I have heard a lot of good stuff about you Mag. Posted by kingofkod on 02:06:2002 12:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Irvin, I'm still trying to figure out how does your Cable/Cyclops slow down my Storm so much and everyone else can't do anything about her. Don't tell anyone else your secrets on getting to my Storm lol. And Mixup are you coming to the big tourney in New Orleans on the 23rd of this month? A few people that i know would like to know. And i wouldn't mind seeing your Mag in action, because I have heard a lot of good stuff about you Mag. I really don't have a secret formula or anything. I've never seen a taped match of mine so i really don't know what my strategy is besides hittig people with the cyclop's assist. You'd have to ask me what i'm doing like right after the match for me to really remember. cause i have no idea. Posted by mixup on 02:06:2002 01:49 AM: While i respect each of your's opinions, i have to offer a counter point. Storm's rushdown does pose just as much of a problem as magneto's if not more of a problem with her ability to bounce assists he calls for free. and Cable/AAA even cammy has no chance at all, magneto only need to bait cable's aaa or set him up, cable is like a injured deer compared compared to what magneto is up to. Guys, i NEVER lose to cable unless i am asleep at the wheel. It's just that cable really doesn't have too many options against magneto. I respect your opinions like i said, i just dont agree.... And about that tourney, i think i am retiring from travel for now...maybe some other time.. Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:06:2002 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Plus when he has more than 1 bar it makes calling your assist risky which usually changes your entire game plan. Well when cable has just 1 meter calling assist it still safe as its gonna be....worst scenario is that you AHVB my assist when i call it ...and guess what happens after you hit my assist?? more meter for cable and the match is back in my favor....cable teams are centered around cable killing something with AHVB and if that doesn't happen then you will lose...the reason cable/AAA cannot stop mags is that in order to properly defeat rushdown you cannot only just call your have to switch the momentom back in your favor after you do...and cable has no means of doing this....jump back viper beams...jumpback gun, jump back grenades, are all worthless seeing as though all of those will get you hit by psylocke....the reason why storm/sent can stop mags is because after you call swing the rushdown in uyour favor therefore allowing you to bring the HEAT with drones..tick thing..cable is very limited in this situation and once his AAA is called he is basically mixup said all one has to do is dash in and dash back...and bait your assist out...and if you dont call them time you get hit with a tri-jump..while its not easy , its very doable..just requires patience..... PS...mixup hurry up and move you dingo..i need to get some good practice in meng... Posted by mixup on 02:06:2002 02:30 AM: MSC MSC MSC HEHEHE. you are busy with school fool! I'll be there in due time. Posted by kingofkod2 on 02:06:2002 02:52 AM: Hey to the guy who quoted my post I said that if he has more than 1 bar...not if he has just one. Oh and I also agree with yall that Cable/AAA isn't good against Magneto but I really think that Cable/AAA can handle Storm because she's slower. But hey like you said we just disagree. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 02:06:2002 03:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by erco I'm thinking about adding Cyke, but I'm not sure whether he amplifies a part of her existing game, or covers a flaw of hers. She doesn't really have problems with rushing down, and a lot of other assists help her combo, so I'm not wholly sure he's as useful as Doom/Sent. He amplifies her rushdown game, and her ability to stuff out assists. Additionally, he is excellent for anti-Sentinel patterns, and is generally adequate for keep-away. He also allows her to play false keepaway...which is just baiting them to come to you so they can impale themselves on Cyke for a free combo for you. IMO, he's better than Doom (but not as good as drones). -DFA Posted by Silent Storm on 02:06:2002 03:24 AM: Yeah what you guys said is true. Thats why i would never put Cable/aaa on a good mag player. I would put Storm on him with an aaa. Now i know that will slow him down for sure, speed against speed. And another thing, do ya'll know any advanced combos with Strom. All of the ones that i have been getting i know them already. Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:06:2002 03:45 AM: yeah iknow..i was just giving my overall two cents Posted by Silent Storm on 02:06:2002 06:30 PM: does anyone know a good website i can get some good Storm strats or combos from. Posted by Hail Storm AHHH on 02:06:2002 06:46 PM: silent storm you suck, your storm sucks, why don't you check out gamefaqs, i'm sure they'll be able to tell ya how to use storm, ha ha ha~! Posted by Silent Storm II on 02:06:2002 07:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Hail Storm AHHH silent storm you suck, your storm sucks, why don't you check out gamefaqs, i'm sure they'll be able to tell ya how to use storm, ha ha ha~! Man fuck you, come play my storm and see how much it sucks, bitch. How are you gonna say how much someone sucks and you've never played them. And you're not that good your self, if you're still going to gamefaqs. Those combos on there are so shitty, prolly just like you. Next time keep yo fuckin mouth closed if you're not going to help. Sorry ass muthafucka!!! Posted by Hail Storm AHHH on 02:06:2002 11:37 PM: i said gamefaqs because that's where you get all your storm information from, you're too stupid to know when someones making fun of you, but anyways, i'm sure you would kick my ass, i hear louisiana has the best comp, ha ha ha, i'd make you my bitch with my negro sentinel, muah ha ha ha! Posted by Silent Storm on 02:07:2002 12:27 AM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Hail Storm AHHH i said gamefaqs because that's where you get all your storm information from, you're too stupid to know when someones making fun of you, but anyways, i'm sure you would kick my ass, i hear louisiana has the best comp, ha ha ha, i'd make you my bitch with my negro sentinel, muah ha ha ha! [/QUOTE OK if you say Make me your bitch with your negro sent Don' make me laugh man. I hope you were just playing. Posted by mixup on 02:07:2002 04:04 AM: My money is on silent storm, anyone who thinks Iron body zangief Is actually good is just out of their mind...And Hail Storm, you're being pretty stupid, why is it necesarry? Posted by Silent Storm on 02:07:2002 05:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup My money is on silent storm, anyone who thinks Iron body zangief Is actually good is just out of their mind...And Hail Storm, you're being pretty stupid, why is it necesarry? Thats right, he was the one who said metal zangief owns people Only a none playing person would say something like that Posted by kingofkod on 02:07:2002 05:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup My money is on silent storm, anyone who thinks Iron body zangief Is actually good is just out of their mind...And Hail Storm, you're being pretty stupid, why is it necesarry? Hey i like how it says Cyclops owns everyone under your name. Heh he's my boy also. I ain't that great with him on point but I really enjoy playing with him. PLus you can't beat his assist. Sets up everything. Posted by smacked311 on 02:07:2002 10:00 AM: i'd like to point out that while metal zangief doesn't OWN everyone, he does do some mean damage. he can trap well w/ an anti air asist, and if he does spinning lariet, he's pretty deadly. not saying he owns or ne thing, but yeah. go try it sometime. it's pretty intresting. Posted by achamp on 02:07:2002 03:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup and Cable/AAA even cammy has no chance at all, magneto only need to bait cable's aaa or set him up, cable is like a injured deer compared compared to what magneto is up to. Guys, i NEVER lose to cable unless I am asleep at the wheel Not to disrespect your opinion, but that's not as easy in practice as it is in theory. When you look at vids from great players(Wong, Valle, Duc, ShadyK and some other) playing against each other, you see more Cable wins against mags than the opposite. Cable usually does jump back low HP, so mags can't rushdown from the ground. If mags superjumps, cable keeps with the j backs having hp and grenade at his disposal(grenade gots in mags way). If mags then uses air dash(to avoid a grenade or do some confusion) then cable can call the assist when mag is landing and cover it properly. If mags get in, he wins. If mags take a hit, he loses. If you look at srk vids, cable wins like 70% of the time. You might prove me wrong at B6 or something, but righht now that's how I see it. From the vids, usually only Storm and Spiral have a beter win percentage over Cable. Sent has teh same over practically anyone else. Posted by MadDogMiXon on 02:07:2002 03:57 PM: {mixup here} that is fine that you disagree, i speak from successful tournament experience with my opinion on the matter. I don't have trouble getting in on cable and from there at worst it's a low block or an easy to see jump kick. And no offense to you but SRK vids really aren't what you should base your opinions, that would be experience that'd help more. If thats the case{and you are speaking from personal experience that magneto doesn't beat cable}, then no need to reference other players performance. P.s Cyclops on point is where he is just ridiculous Posted by Silent Storm on 02:07:2002 07:22 PM: I think Storm/aaa can beat both Cabale and Mag Posted by MadDogMiXon on 02:07:2002 08:27 PM: Using magneto vs storm: careful rush, storm does really pose problems for magneto but like many other top tier fights, it goes either way. This one is just a much better match. Now if storm is running... Come back bitch!!!! Posted by Silent Storm on 02:07:2002 08:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by MadDogMiXon Using magneto vs storm: careful rush, storm does really pose problems for magneto but like many other top tier fights, it goes either way. This one is just a much better match. Now if storm is running... Come back bitch!!!! lol Posted by magneto's son on 02:08:2002 12:08 AM: it hurt me to hit either of them they are just so good together if you ask me they should get married no no no no more pills i'll be good i promise help help Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:08:2002 02:49 AM: this thread is crazy Like Mixup said Mag vs Storm can only be explain as a good match up nobody can take them on but them selves and the players. Storm may be able to run good but make will catch her. As far as im concerned she better run from my magneto. It seems people in this thread talk about Storm and Magneto and or they use them both so why not make a thread for both or make a Magneto thread that actually last. Just some thoughts about the meta gief wt hell is he going to do against a hail storm exacully nothing Posted by Silent Storm on 02:08:2002 03:38 AM: Re: this thread is crazy quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan Like Mixup said Mag vs Storm can only be explain as a good match up nobody can take them on but them selves and the players. Storm may be able to run good but make will catch her. As far as im concerned she better run from my magneto. It seems people in this thread talk about Storm and Magneto and or they use them both so why not make a thread for both or make a Magneto thread that actually last. Just some thoughts about the meta gief wt hell is he going to do against a hail storm exacully nothing Thats a good idea making a Mag and Storm thread together Posted by Shogun on 02:08:2002 08:57 AM: Re: Re: this thread is crazy quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Thats a good idea making a Mag and Storm thread together I Love Team STORM/GAYBLE/CAMMY tight team. I use that team in SHGL and they are pretty cool. Darn right can beat MSP or team Soo Posted by mixup on 02:08:2002 10:01 AM: No way, not a chance!! Mageeeeeeeeeeetie/Stromieo/ And psychoclops{uh....cyclops} Owns that team pretty nice like, if storm is hauling ass up tho, better get my own storm in there. I'm jus talkin shit, dont take me too seriously Posted by Gandido on 02:08:2002 04:38 PM: Some people may not agree, but Storm/Strider/Doom works wonders, and so do Mag/Strider/Doom and Mag/Storm/Strider. If you want to know why, ask away =D Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:08:2002 06:31 PM: i disagree sort of I disagree with that team b/c it lacks a AAA which is bad no AAA =Bad Team-AAA=Bad I know someone who use that team hes real good with it but when it comes to him being rush by magneto and storm he cant do shit except die Magneto and Storm will Kill doom easy his AAA is way to slow to stop rush down and storm's projectile goes threw it which will usually link into extra damage from the hail storm. But that team could work pretty well against other teams. Some people just cant get away from Strider/Doom I've had my days. spamn b@stard Posted by Silent Storm on 02:08:2002 06:41 PM: Does anyone know how to stop a good mag player from tri-jumping all over the place with Storm? I have a clue, but I would like some others opinions on this matter. What's the best way to stop him peroid? Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:08:2002 08:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Does anyone know how to stop a good mag player from tri-jumping all over the place with Storm? I have a clue, but I would like some others opinions on this matter. What's the best way to stop him peroid? strom owns up magz easy all about recognizing when he is attacking and counter attack yerself...storm's moves have more priority over magz...when i play i rty my best not to have magz match up against storm. kuaze he wil get shwimp-fWY-rHY....just tri=jump when he is tri-jumping and you will beat him 90% of the time............stay on the move basically...the worst thing you can do is let a magz dash up to you nad you just sit there and block....look at those DK vs Soo vids if you have them....notice that Dk NEVER lets magento dash up to him without doing a counter out of the way, counter tri-jump, or simply just jumping back...stay on the move...make sure that you are attacking just as much a he is...storm's rush is just as good if not better and plus you have typhoon XX hail...and he doesnt...keep the match balanced in terms of attacking dont just try to block...try to counter.... Posted by smacked311 on 02:09:2002 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Does anyone know how to stop a good mag player from tri-jumping all over the place with Storm? I have a clue, but I would like some others opinions on this matter. What's the best way to stop him peroid? try a lightening attack xx lightening storm that might work. someone correct me if i'm wrong Posted by Silent Storm on 02:09:2002 09:26 PM: I play Storm/Cable/Cammy. Is it better for me to play Cable on, proj. assist or leave him on aaa. Which is better to help Storm out. I'm not sure which one I want. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 02:10:2002 05:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm I play Storm/Cable/Cammy. Is it better for me to play Cable on, proj. assist or leave him on aaa. Which is better to help Storm out. I'm not sure which one I want. Depends. Here's how to figure it out: Can you successfully Alpha Counter XX AHVB? Can your Storm bait out long range assists or projectiles consistently? (Sent-Y doesn't count) If you answered yes to both questions, use AAA. If not, use projectile, its a better assist, and gives Storm some more needed ground control. -DFA Posted by InvincibleStorm on 02:10:2002 06:50 AM: cable's assist doen't matter it just depends on how much u use him.if u use him a lot pick him aa if not then it doesn't matter.but if u want to do off the ground combos just pick proj.but remember cable does a lp viper beam not hp. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:10:2002 06:56 PM: I am thinking about going back to one of my first teams, Storm/Cable/Doom. Is this a very good team to play with. To me, I am able to rushdown more with Storm having Doom's aaa at her back, plus it helps out Cable alot. So which team is better, Storm/Cable/Cammy or Storm/Cable/Doom. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Posted by CowSquared on 02:11:2002 06:25 AM: Anyone know some good throw combos with Storm? I try to incorporate those into my game because of the massive damage they can do if they're comboable. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:11:2002 06:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by CowSquared Anyone know some good throw combos with Storm? I try to incorporate those into my game because of the massive damage they can do if they're comboable. try this, 1234 really quick, slight pause then hp grap, this mainly works one characters around Cable's size though. Still working on smaller people. Posted by Demon on 02:11:2002 07:37 AM: Anyone know the timing for the Storm infinite on Sent please be specific thanks Posted by mixup on 02:11:2002 08:00 AM: many good throw combo's with storm are possible and at least do extra damage. Some examples Storm fp throw into sent ground then launch Storm fk throw into: cyc{follow up sometimes midscreen most time in corner} Psy{easy combo afterwards} cammy{extra damage} Captain commando{extra damage} Many more assists can be comboed into her throws and for many of them you can sneak in the throw after a reset combo with her {she is a more throw based reset character than magneto, esp with psy and cyc} Well, magneto doesn't usually throw into an assist as a primary way to kill. Example. Launch, fp ad df light light, land and dash under them, call psylocke, fk throw, now launch into air combo.. This is just a basic example but there is much more. Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:11:2002 09:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by CowSquared Anyone know some good throw combos with Storm? I try to incorporate those into my game because of the massive damage they can do if they're comboable. launch 1234 dash straight down throw... Posted by IownSilentStorm on 02:11:2002 08:47 PM: silent storm sucks ass! ha ha ha Posted by Silent Storm on 02:11:2002 08:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by IownSilentStorm silent storm sucks ass! ha ha ha yo momma sucks dick, what the difference LOL LOL And when are you gonna come play me, you Shitass Bitch And guess what, ima report yo gotdamn ass Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:11:2002 09:41 PM: Thought I'd stop by and add this combo: s. lk, s. mk, s. hk, sj., sj. hk, Airdash forward, sj. lk, sj. mk, Lightning Attack XX Lightning Storm. Does more damage than 1234, LA XX LS, 1234, Airdash u/f, 1234, LA XX LS and sj. lk, LA XX LS. For real. Try it out. How do you get Viscant's Storm AC to combo on people like Cable or Magneto? You know ... s. lk, s. mk, s. hk, sj., sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. mk, Airdash forward, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mk, Lightning Attack XX Lightning Storm. I can get it to work on bigger characters but I can't seem to land it on Cable for some reason. I got it to work on Cyclops and Doom, though. Here's a reset that I do with Storm. s. lk, s. hk, sj., sj. hp, Airdash d/f, sj. hp, sj. hk (OTG). Then as your opponent flips and lands on his feet, airdash to their other side and do whatever. Posted by MadDogMiXon on 02:11:2002 11:07 PM: Flesh, that is hella weak you dork. Your storm sucks Posted by *NEDO* on 02:11:2002 11:27 PM: Ummmmm..........Does every1 play Storm in here so ..."not good"? People....The tightest combo with Storm is her-Launch-Fp-air dash p-p-lightning attXXSuper. (what?, I'm lazy) This is my favorite though....It involves a little skill....(not guaranteed to the newbies). Launch+Magneto pro assist-Fp-*knocks them into the assist*Lightning attack dwn fwd-then lightning attack up fwdXXSuper. It's sooo easy and does hella damage. You dont even need the crossup part...It just makes someone mad when you do. ......As for grab combos.....Try this corner one Launch-Fk-air dash dwn fwd-Fk-c.wk-c.wp-s.Fp-s.Fk*wait for them to fall* grab with Fp. This is also very easy...... Someone asked for the Storm infinite it goes...... while jumping tap-lk-mk-fast as hell-and do the Fp immediately after that. while holding foreward....then delay the Fk alot! hold up to rejump then repeat while holding foreward. You'll get the hang of it after about 2 reps. Laterz All..........Anyone have any......100% with Storm+assists or anything? I just wanna be impressed....thats all. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:12:2002 01:23 PM: does anyone think that Storm/Doom can beat Mag/P-locke? Posted by Nightshade3D on 02:12:2002 02:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by *NEDO* People....The tightest combo with Storm is her-Launch-Fp-air dash p-p-lightning attXXSuper. (what?, I'm lazy) I'm not flaming you or nothing, but I find myself doing the jump dash-F lightning attack xx lightning storm. If I ever have the urge to do one of those combos, that's the one I do. It takes off like...10 more damage points than the normal magic series combo. Wow! Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:12:2002 04:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by MadDogMiXon Flesh, that is hella weak you dork. Your storm sucks Btich i dont that shit....i got that lame ass combo from mike..he does that shit all the time Posted by Silent Storm on 02:13:2002 07:18 AM: What does anyone think of these teams: Storm/Cable/Psylocke Storm/Doom/Cammy Posted by DeathFromAbove on 02:13:2002 07:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm What does anyone think of these teams: Storm/Cable/Psylocke Storm/Doom/Cammy Psylocke? Cammy? They go well with the other partners, but they aren't really Storm's favorites. It looks like you just threw Storm on the front of a pair you're comfortable with. Not necessarily a bad thing, IMO it's fairly sensible, but could be set up a little better. Anyway, Storm/Cable/Psylocke is good enough, but has some issues dealing with anything in SJ space. Storm/Doom/Cammy is a much more rounded team, and should be competitive against virtually anything. As long as you can hold your own with Cammy, you should be okay. But I'll bet my Cyclops can beat your Cammy, using the same team otherwise. -DFA Posted by Silent Storm on 02:13:2002 07:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Psylocke? Cammy? They go well with the other partners, but they aren't really Storm's favorites. It looks like you just threw Storm on the front of a pair you're comfortable with. Not necessarily a bad thing, IMO it's fairly sensible, but could be set up a little better. Anyway, Storm/Cable/Psylocke is good enough, but has some issues dealing with anything in SJ space. Storm/Doom/Cammy is a much more rounded team, and should be competitive against virtually anything. As long as you can hold your own with Cammy, you should be okay. But I'll bet my Cyclops can beat your Cammy, using the same team otherwise. -DFA ok thanks for your input man, and i wish i could take you up on that cyke vs. cammy match, but i will never happen But i really want to play Storm/Cable/Psylocke. Does anyone have any pointers to help me with this team? Posted by Shogun on 02:13:2002 09:06 AM: STORM/GAYBLE/CUMMY !!!! Can beat any team A good storm will be able to cross and character up Posted by Silent Storm on 02:13:2002 03:36 PM: does anyone know how to do the Cable/Storm trap with the proj. assist. I think i know it but i wanna be sure. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:13:2002 06:27 PM: Which one im sure there is more than one i do this one with Projectile or Variety assist. FP,FP,assist,FP, time gernade,repeat. THere are others that have to do with the lp d to f viper beam. too. make sure u use the lk time gernade and hold the button too. Posted by magneto's son on 02:14:2002 04:55 AM: hey does anyone know storms gaurd break with psylock or im it would be a big help i use msp and sometimes msi magneto strom and ironman any guard breaks can help desperately need them Posted by Silent Storm on 02:14:2002 08:39 AM: what is the best aaa to use with Strom? Im thinking Cyke or Psylocke, but someone may have other aaa that may be useful. Please disscuss them Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 02:14:2002 10:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto's son hey does anyone know storms gaurd break with psylock or im it would be a big help i use msp and sometimes msi magneto strom and ironman any guard breaks can help desperately need them its the same as with magz...jumping lk+psy when opponent in coming in , land, combo...(the lk right as they come in break their guard and because psy's assist is somwhat delayed, she hits them and the you can combo off her. Posted by Foomyjin on 02:14:2002 02:14 PM: I like Commando the best for my Storm teams. It combos after her low roundhouse when your too far away to do a normal launch so you can corridor hailstorm that shit... You can launch + Commando right before you leave ground just like Cammy then fierce punch into assist -> lightning attack, lightning storm... You still have low short of death with commando if you play storm/sent/commando rather than cammy (low short -> air combo -> DHC drones -> Air combo + cammy/commando -> rocket punch = death... Commando is great for opposing storms, sentinels, blackhearts and most importantly it helps against Spiral much more than any other aa. Sure everyone thinks how Storm is a counter for Spiral, which she generally can be, but the job is much easier with commando rather than cammy, psylocke, doom etc. You can roundhouse throw into commando for extra damage and set ups after rushing the mess out of someone as well. Low sweep with storm can be comboed into commando before or after otg into lightning attackxxlightning storm... Plus if you pick orange commando, he actually gets more life and is more resilient to assist punishment for some reason. I shit you not folks, orange does not die... Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:14:2002 08:13 PM: uhm Hey Silent Storm i think Cyclops is about to explode in ur avatar. I think u need to give that guy some pills to calm down. And Foomy are u joking or what ORange commando. Have u told anyone this in the VA thread? Posted by Silent Storm on 02:14:2002 09:49 PM: Re: uhm quote: Originally posted by MagStormIronMan Hey Silent Storm i think Cyclops is about to explode in ur avatar. I think u need to give that guy some pills to calm down. And Foomy are u joking or what ORange commando. Have u told anyone this in the VA thread? he will be alright, hes just turning to SSJ Cyke level 5, Posted by Silent Storm on 02:15:2002 04:44 AM: Can someone help me decide which team has the most potential: Storm/Cable/Capcom or Storm/Cable/Cyclops and why. Posted by mixup on 02:15:2002 06:45 AM: I will be one to disagree with foomyjin, capcom sucks. You are better off just playing a better storm with a decent assist{just solid overall Ie.cyc} and having a solid last man standing. I really don't care what people say, as you shouldn't what i say. Commando sucks. P.s you can combo cyclops into your throws for aircombo's afterwards. Down with commando!! Posted by kingofkod on 02:15:2002 10:13 AM: Having Capcom on your team runs you the same risk of having Psylocke on your team. When it all comes down too it those 2 just cannot fight 2 characters as a last man standing. i've had plenty of times where i've had like a half life storm and a half life Cylops versus a full commando or even an almost dead storm and Half life cyclops and all you have to do basically is call Cyclops and throw a typhoon and there isn't too much commando can do about it. Psylocke can get to you if you only have projectile assist left over. But commando can't even fight that. Posted by MARVELFREAK on 02:15:2002 12:20 PM: Well I use Storm/Cable/Cyke, and it's a pretty good rounded team, any one of the characters are pretty good. But the only reason why I don't use CapCom is because I suck with him. And I admit, I think Storm's rushdown is better with Capcom, makes her more deadly. Hey Foomy, I agree with your post, but I suck with Capcom. I've seen Foomy play Storm/Capcom, and it's definitely deadly, especially the OTG combos. And Commando doesn't suck, just the people who lose with him. Posted by kingofkod on 02:16:2002 05:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by MARVELFREAK Well I use Storm/Cable/Cyke, and it's a pretty good rounded team, any one of the characters are pretty good. But the only reason why I don't use CapCom is because I suck with him. And I admit, I think Storm's rushdown is better with Capcom, makes her more deadly. Hey Foomy, I agree with your post, but I suck with Capcom. I've seen Foomy play Storm/Capcom, and it's definitely deadly, especially the OTG combos. And Commando doesn't suck, just the people who lose with him. I dunno man. I'm still wondering how Commando as any chance fighting2 characters. The ony way he can win is if he gets in a couple random captain corridor xx captainsword. Besides that he's toast. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 02:16:2002 05:41 AM: bvjf I have posted in this thread b4 but honestly i think i suck with storm not that i have tried her out alot. The reason i like her is becuz she destroys people who love to throw out their assist which in My IMO is everyone(but crazy like) But she makes u think twice. Those random undetectable projectile to hail storm works to good. I just started to use her a lot more today. I know how to do alot of her combos well. I wish i could do a 100% combo with her. She is pretty nasty. The team i use is Storm/Mag/Cyke. But that was for experimentation all i can say is its a good team. But Cyke is like Capcom for me can any one post a Cyke link for me thats on shoryuken. Or PM me some strats. He works wonders with both characters. I know some people might be wondering why i use storm first cuz it would be better to build super kickin ass with magneto then use storm but for some reason it just works better for me this way and she can build super on her own kick without runing. FP throw does wonders. More less can some help me with storm Cyke combos. I know a few from to today and i love how cyke can hit them after the FK throw and u can combo from that. I need some big damage combos no matter how diff. *Right Now trying to perfect Storm* Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:16:2002 06:44 AM: rate my storm teams... magneto, storm, cable; storm, sent, CapCom; magneto, storm, CapCom; and magneto, storm, sent Posted by Silent Storm on 02:19:2002 06:21 PM: hey does anyone think that Storm/Cable/Capcom can compete with any team if p[layed right? Posted by BadNewzMvC2 on 02:19:2002 09:10 PM: yeah Storm Sentinel Strats anyone i need help im I know hes used for rush down and for that sick DHC that takes to much life but what about combos for them. With either as the point character? *Master of throwing* Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:24:2002 07:52 AM: lets continue this thread... well, rate my team: storm sent capcom Posted by Silent Storm on 02:24:2002 08:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by lilsdsk8er lets continue this thread... well, rate my team: storm sent capcom Its a good team, but i think i would choose Cammy before Capcom. Posted by HHZ on 02:24:2002 12:02 PM: ah this whole thing ... ya sure she causes interruption but capcom causes more of an interruption, however runs the risk of totally missing and just standing there and eating sum AHVB, or something like that... so he comes after her. cyclops, on the other hand, is a much betr interruptor, continues combos for you, but only works at certain ranges. a problem that he has is that he goes at an odd angle and unlike cammy, he goes more vertical than horizontal... thats why you choose someone who strikes fast and undetected. i would choose cammy to adapt me more... more of a team of mag/capcom/cable... or storm/cable/capcom. it all depends on what style u use. if u play sentinel or doom with storm [keepaway oriented/storm will rush if wanted], ya damn str8 capcom wud go with it, but if u play more of a rushdown type play, use cyclops or cammy. -mWong Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:25:2002 04:35 AM: which combo hurts more?: HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, DASH FOWARD, LK, LK, LIGHTNING DASH UP ONCE, LIGHTNING ATTACK OR HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, LIGHTNING DASH TWICE, LIGHTNING ATTACK Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:25:2002 04:42 AM: which combo hurts more?: HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, DASH FOWARD, LK, LK, LIGHTNING DASH UP ONCE, LIGHTNING ATTACK OR HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, LIGHTNING DASH TWICE, LIGHTNING ATTACK Posted by Silent Storm on 02:25:2002 06:40 AM: Does anyone think that Storm-Proj./Cable-aaa/Psylocke-aaa is a good team? Posted by IownSilentStorm on 02:25:2002 05:25 PM: the best team with storm in it is mag/storm/sent, probably the second best is storm/cable/cyke, and don't everyone say what about wong, always playing cammy, he wins cause he is the smartest player not because he has the best team, it just works for him, mag/storm/sent is probably the best team in the game every character has deadly dhcs and combos, plus there is no need for an aaa since mag and storm don't need one, then having sent as your last character for dhc and last man standing, give me a break, that teams owns, so play it and see what i'm talking about mag/storm/sent rules all. p.s. storm/cable/psy sucks ass why put psy in there she sucks ass, she sucks with storm and she sucks with cable, and ohh yea, i own you silent storm you suck mucho. Posted by Silent Storm on 02:25:2002 06:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by IownSilentStorm the best team with storm in it is mag/storm/sent, probably the second best is storm/cable/cyke, and don't everyone say what about wong, always playing cammy, he wins cause he is the smartest player not because he has the best team, it just works for him, mag/storm/sent is probably the best team in the game every character has deadly dhcs and combos, plus there is no need for an aaa since mag and storm don't need one, then having sent as your last character for dhc and last man standing, give me a break, that teams owns, so play it and see what i'm talking about mag/storm/sent rules all. p.s. storm/cable/psy sucks ass why put psy in there she sucks ass, she sucks with storm and she sucks with cable, and ohh yea, i own you silent storm you suck mucho. Man, Psylocke doesn't suck, i betcha i can whoop yo azz with her, then if you think you can own me, you know what you can do. And how can you say Psylocke sucks when you play Zangief, now he sucks. And guess what Cyclops isn't all that with Storm and Cable like talking about. Psylocke can set things up for them just as good or maybe better. Posted by MARVELFREAK on 02:25:2002 11:36 PM: Uhh, personally I think Psy sucks, she's a weak point and her assist isn't all that. Mag/Storm/Sent is a nasty team, less a good AAA. Storm/Cable/Cyke is prolly one of the most versatile teams in the game, has a chance with every team. Cyke isn't all that with Storm and Cable? Please. Cyke is a good character by himself, let alone a good AAA which Storm and Cable can combo off of all day long. And Cable/Cyke is great in itself, nuff said. Posted by lylelljr on 02:26:2002 08:20 PM: I am not an expert with Cyclops, but is his only purpose with Storm to Gene Splice into Hailstorm? Personally I hate Cyke, they gave him too much priority on his moves. But after hearing all of you talk about Cyke, I'm gonna try him. Storm Doom Sentinel forever! Posted by kingofkod on 02:26:2002 08:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by lylelljr I am not an expert with Cyclops, but is his only purpose with Storm to Gene Splice into Hailstorm? Personally I hate Cyke, they gave him too much priority on his moves. But after hearing all of you talk about Cyke, I'm gonna try him. Storm Doom Sentinel forever! Well that's usualy what i do is do his assist into hailstorm. You can also dash in and jump up and combo them if you don't have meter. Lol i usually always have meter with her though cuz i run alot. Posted by MARVELFREAK on 02:26:2002 11:14 PM: Uhh, you can do a lot with Cyke, especially if you have Storm, Cable, Sent, really anyone. Yes, Gene splice xxHailstorm is effective, also cyke assist into hailstorm. Use Cyke for his chipping ability too. His MOB can take as much as 15% if mashed. Cyke has a lot of priority on his j.rh, builds meter for himself fast, has a movable super, Cyke can pretty much hang with the best of em, less Cable. Cyke infinite is nice, builds hella meter, flashy too. Cyke makes Storm and Cable so much better. Storm is able to rushdown even better, keep people away if need be, and can combo cyke assist into really anything. And again, we all know how cyke makes Cable better. Posted by magneto's son on 02:26:2002 11:16 PM: lilsdsk8er which combo hurts more?: HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, DASH FOWARD, LK, LK, LIGHTNING DASH UP ONCE, LIGHTNING ATTACK OR HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, LIGHTNING DASH TWICE, LIGHTNING ATTACK well if you have a dc and you go to training mode you will that both do just about the same amount of damage. Posted by Shogun on 02:27:2002 05:04 AM: STORM/CAMMY COMBO!!!! lk, lk, hk, call cammy assist, sj., hk,cammy will hit character, lightning attack, super 70% combo then cancel to cable to make it 90% combo. I have the combo video i will upload it soon PEACE Posted by hayato15 on 02:27:2002 05:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shogun STORM/CAMMY COMBO!!!! lk, lk, hk, call cammy assist, sj., hk,cammy will hit character, lightning attack, super 70% combo then cancel to cable to make it 90% combo. I have the combo video i will upload it soon PEACE Does it works with Comm too? Posted by Silent Storm on 02:27:2002 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by hayato15 Does it works with Comm too? i've tried that with capcom, it works great with him, but the one with cammy i have trouble with Posted by Silent Storm on 02:27:2002 07:09 PM: hey does anyone think that Storms variety assist can be helpful with Cable? I think that the variety type with help me better against Sent, Cable, and BH players more than the proj. type. It will sorta like BH aaa, but just doesn't come out as fast. Then i will be able to do the Cable/Storm trap Posted by lilsdsk8er on 02:28:2002 05:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto's son lilsdsk8er which combo hurts more?: HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, DASH FOWARD, LK, LK, LIGHTNING DASH UP ONCE, LIGHTNING ATTACK OR HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, LIGHTNING DASH TWICE, LIGHTNING ATTACK well if you have a dc and you go to training mode you will that both do just about the same amount of damage. i dont have a DC. someone try the combos out. wut combo do u use? Posted by TheRisingDragon on 02:28:2002 06:37 AM: Well, I say that anyone who says that Storm is not a good character in MvC2 needs to be bitch-slapped back into reality!!! Posted by magneto's son on 02:28:2002 08:04 PM: iuse the single lighening attack to the lightening storm i checked it out on my dc and they both do the same amount of damage somewhere between 66-75 base on the lp,lk,hk set up you know that storm also has an air dash combo that is kind of hard it is just like mags in that you do lp,lk,lp,lk,dash u/f,lp,lk,lp,lk,LA,LA,LS but it doesn't take off that much damage LA=lightening attack LS=lightening storm i hope this help you out 1 Posted by magneto's son on 02:28:2002 08:14 PM: hey how do you play with cyke by himself is he a run away biuld meter type of dude or is he a good combat player i know his super takes hella damage when you mash but what eles? how can he be looked at as a force to be reckond with. Posted by Nightshade3D on 02:28:2002 08:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by lilsdsk8er lets continue this thread... well, rate my team: storm sent capcom I personally like Storm and Sentinel with Blackheart's AAA. I use that since it stops most keep aways and I'm quick enough for some crazy cross-ups. Also, to back up BH just in case his assist misses. And we all know about Sentinel/BH goodness. Posted by lilsdsk8er on 03:01:2002 01:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto's son iuse the single lighening attack to the lightening storm i checked it out on my dc and they both do the same amount of damage somewhere between 66-75 base on the lp,lk,hk set up you know that storm also has an air dash combo that is kind of hard it is just like mags in that you do lp,lk,lp,lk,dash u/f,lp,lk,lp,lk,LA,LA,LS but it doesn't take off that much damage LA=lightening attack LS=lightening storm i hope this help you out 1 thanks Posted by power-dn on 03:01:2002 07:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm I am thinking about going back to one of my first teams, Storm/Cable/Doom. Is this a very good team to play with. To me, I am able to rushdown more with Storm having Doom's aaa at her back, plus it helps out Cable alot. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. This team works great together. Storm's speed can easily get her next to an opponent to call out a point-blank Doom assist. Add in a hail-storm and you get mad chipping. Doom's assist usually beats out capcom's aaa but loses to cyke's aaa....and you're right, rushdown works very well with Doom assist. Cable cleans up what every is left after Storm kicks ass. Lates... Posted by mixup on 03:01:2002 08:01 AM: this is probably really old but i haven't seen it posted here yet. Guard break with storm. any where on screen. sj.lp, air-dash long delay and right before you land, lp, launch. good in corners and mid-screen. Posted by mixup on 03:01:2002 09:36 AM: XXX/Storm/Cyclops seems to be a universal great team, it's kinda funny *you always have 2 great characters that fight well all around in the back *you always have your counter into cyc AAAXXkick superXXhail for the universal trick *the shit works with almost every top tier{save spiral and strider, although it would work with both, it'd be kinda strange} on, this is the universal good team I was noticing that all of my teams have storm cyc in them, just thought i'd post this worthless post. {the only team i don't use storm is my goof team of magneto/cable/cyclops} <- why the hell do i like this team!!?? Take care everybody! Posted by kingofkod on 03:02:2002 01:45 AM: Hey Mixup i dunno if you noticed but they got some vids of you up over at From what I see your Storm is better than your Magneto. OH and hey the XXXX/Storm/Cyclops I really enjoy that combo too. I like playing Cammy/Storm/Cyclops alot right now. For tournament play it's Cable though. Posted by MadDogMiXon on 03:02:2002 04:30 AM: Please understand i am playing on a single hour of sleep there ALL of my characters in those video's suck, sorry to disapoint. Posted by powerful on 03:02:2002 04:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by mixup this is probably really old but i haven't seen it posted here yet. Guard break with storm. any where on screen. sj.lp, air-dash long delay and right before you land, lp, launch. good in corners and mid-screen. Is this safer to connect than sj LK air dash LK MK, LA, LS? I'm asking because the one I mentioned works even if the opp doesn't block(like cable's HP, AHVB). What about teh one you posted? thanks Posted by mixup on 03:02:2002 07:44 AM: If the opponent doesn't block that one, 2 options, they take the first lp that is meant to break their guard, not too many people will just not block against storm{her fk launcher they more than likely fear} people just dont hold forward while they normal jump{as this is meant primarily as a midscreen gb, not practical at all, just worth mention}. It's wont combo like that because of the delay. They block, it breaks guard, launch into aircombo may build you the meter you need to dhc or just get enough meter to use her lightning storm{if you have seen my recent video's that showcase my love of this move, you know how i feel about it.. } So the answer is no it wont combo either way{like cable's fp AHVB}, it is just useful in other situations{esp when you have no meter} EDIT: if you for some reason knew that they wouldn't block it i am pretty sure you could link it some how.. Posted by magneto's son on 03:03:2002 03:03 AM: hey can anyone explain the reset combo for the lighting storm in the air Posted by GeekBoy on 03:03:2002 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by magneto's son hey can anyone explain the reset combo for the lighting storm in the air Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, dash DF, Lightning Attack UB XX Lightning Storm. This might not always connect, because the people might block the right way sometimes. Posted by lilsdsk8er on 03:03:2002 07:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, dash DF, Lightning Attack UB XX Lightning Storm. This might not always connect, because the people might block the right way sometimes. people could also just attack you when u trying to cross up... remember, cross-ups have lag Posted by magneto's son on 03:03:2002 07:40 AM: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, dash DF, Lightning Attack UB XX Lightning Storm. This might not always connect, because the people might block the right way sometimes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- people could also just attack you when u trying to cross up... remember, cross-ups have lag GeekBoy quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by magneto's son hey can anyone explain the reset combo for the lighting storm in the air -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, dash DF, Lightning Attack UB XX Lightning Storm. This might not always connect, because the people might block the right way sometimes. thanks alot Posted by magneto's son on 03:03:2002 07:43 AM: hey how come we can't get no stars next to our thread [SIZE=4][COLOR=red]CAN I GET A HELL YEAH Posted by magneto's son on 03:03:2002 07:44 AM: I GUESS THAT DIDN'T GO THE WAY I PLANNED IT Posted by lilsdsk8er on 03:03:2002 05:23 PM: thanks for reminding me bout the rating system thingy Posted by Azn Strider on 03:03:2002 06:41 PM: hey guys i'm just wondering i'f this is a guard break (in corner on the ground) fp throw lightning attack u/f (blocked) XX lightning storm i hit it a couple times yesterday but wasn't sure if its because ppl didn't block thanx Posted by Silent Storm on 03:03:2002 09:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Azn Strider hey guys i'm just wondering i'f this is a guard break (in corner on the ground) fp throw lightning attack u/f (blocked) XX lightning storm i hit it a couple times yesterday but wasn't sure if its because ppl didn't block thanx With Storms guard break i have been trying to do it with lp, then lightning attack DF lightning Storm Posted by Silent Storm on 03:04:2002 10:33 PM: Ima be playing in a tourney This Sat. and im wondering which team should i use: Cable/Storm/Cammy or Storm/Cable/Cyclops. I want to use Cammy since i can use her better than Cyke, but Cyke sets up a lotta things. Which should i go with? Can anyone help me in making a decision. Posted by lilsdsk8er on 03:04:2002 11:25 PM: if u know how to use cammy better than cyke use her. o and cant u guard break with cammy's AAA? Posted by Silent Storm on 03:08:2002 08:29 PM: why has everyone quit posting? We have to start be back with the posting. Lets make this thread last. Does anyone know any special things with Storm/Cyke together? Posted by voodazz on 03:09:2002 05:56 AM: I have a rather scrubbish question. Okay, I have no problem doing Storm's tri-jump attack using her lk, but afterwards I can't seem to connect it into a launcher combo (tri-jump with lk,c.lp,c.lp,hk)Am I hitting too high or something? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanx! Posted by Silent Storm on 03:09:2002 07:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by voodazz I have a rather scrubbish question. Okay, I have no problem doing Storm's tri-jump attack using her lk, but afterwards I can't seem to connect it into a launcher combo (tri-jump with lk,c.lp,c.lp,hk)Am I hitting too high or something? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanx! Hey try this. When you tri-jump with lk and it connects go lp, lk launch. This should work. I recommend using her hp Tri-jump though even though the lk is faster but its harder to connect. HP are easier to connect into combos. But do what you feel is right for you. Posted by Shogun on 03:10:2002 12:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Ima be playing in a tourney This Sat. and im wondering which team should i use: Cable/Storm/Cammy or Storm/Cable/Cyclops. I want to use Cammy since i can use her better than Cyke, but Cyke sets up a lotta things. Which should i go with? Can anyone help me in making a decision. USE SCC!!! Team Barney I say. Cammy is fast and can pretty much do everything. I was playing SooMighty and I sometimes start with cammy. His Magneto sometimes cant rush down because I use the cammy counter often to push him away but that foo just gets smarter everytime I play him. BASTARD! It beats everyone 'coz she is very fast plus you have to be smart when you play her. Cammy owns sent for sure... that upper cut of hers works really well. She has a few cross-ups and a guard break. She works well with storm because of the damage they make together. Cyclops for me is only good for pushing the character away and when it comes to connecting combo it doesnt take as much. Here's a combo you might wanna try for storm and cammy: lk, lk, hk, cammy assist, sj. hk, lightning attack upforward, super could take about 60-70% damage crouch lk, lk, cammy assist, hk, sj. lightning attack, super Cammy combos and gaurd break: launch, lp, lk, lp, lp, , lk, lp, pause cross up to the other side 1234 cannon drill to super. corner: launch, 1234, cannon drill going down(short), land, lk, hk, fall then grab Guard break: (like cable jab) lk, pause, cannon drill to super PEACE Posted by Silent Storm II on 03:14:2002 06:09 AM: thanks for the advice I used Storm/Cable/Cyclops. They did well for me. Thanks again. Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:18:2002 04:52 PM: storm I just wanted to know some guard breaks with storm. The only one i've really done is sjump AD forward sj.LP,sj.LK, LA d/f LS. WHat are some more. On Cammy owning Sent its true its spamn true. A sent on ground c/s.LP, c/s.LK QCB+FK throw(HP) works well he cant duck it either Posted by MagStormIronMan on 03:20:2002 02:46 PM: Storm and Magneto Thread Dead? Sure looks like it to me. Mag(capture) Storm(proj) Ironman(AAA) Storm c.LK+ mag(assist),c.LK,s.HK hail storm or LA to LS Storm with opponent in corner combo to launch mag(capture or proj assist) sj.HK AD d/f land relaunch or LA to LS Storm c.LK+ironMan(assist) c.LK, s.HK hail storm or back up and launch or LA to LS Trying to keep the thread alive and since there arent that many assist combos in them i think we should start some but only with top tier and high tier chars that people use Posted by Silent Storm on 03:21:2002 05:47 AM: yeah this Thread is dying. Whats the best way to play Storm/Cable/Cammy or Cyclops? Posted by magneto's son on 03:21:2002 06:54 AM: hey how about storms, assist,, omega red hits throws them in the air ,hailstorm good amount of damage we won't let it die Posted by ghettokimchi on 03:23:2002 07:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm yeah this Thread is dying. Whats the best way to play Storm/Cable/Cammy or Cyclops? tag em with ahvb.... dhc to storm and run... Posted by MadjaYcD on 03:23:2002 02:43 PM: Forget Cammy and Cable. Put in Seninel and Commando for far a better team. I mean launch+commando, hp, (connects), lightning attackx2 xx lightning storm xx HSF, launch lp lk rocket punch, hk (if in corner) takes out way too much damage. With storm out, you have sentinel/commando. Maybe its just me that this team works better for than any other storm team. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:03 AM. Show all 172 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.